Cover Illustration: Magpie Inkcap (Coprinopsis picacea) (Photograph:
Jonathan Shanklin) See article on page 3. |
Contents of Volume 59 (2017)
Table of Contents
- Fungi in the Cambridge Botanic Garden. (J. Shanklin and H. Tribe)
3 [Appendix 1 | Appendix 2]
- Invertebrate Survey on the Fleam Dyke IV. Beetles (J. Darlington
and A. Drane) 6 [Appendix]
- Silver Barred Moth at Chippenham Fen (Michael Taylor) 14
- The Willow Emerald Damselfly in Cambridgeshire (Val Perrin)
- Round-fruited Rush at the Ouse Washes (C. J. Cadbury) 21
- Lichens in Mepal (Mark Powell, Louise Bacon and the Cambridge
Lichen Group) 25 [Appendix]
- Cambridgeshire Amphibian Survey Report 2015 (Steven J. R. Allain
and Mark J. Goodman) 35
- Introduced non-native amphibians and reptiles in Cambridgeshire
2010-2016 (Steven J. R. Allain, Liam T. Smith and Gary J. Miller)
- Nightingales at St Ives Meadow lane pits 2012-2016 and in nearby
areas 1994-2016 (Tim Reed) 50
- Early-purple Orchids and Muntjac Deer in a Cambridgeshire wood.
(Arnold Cooke & Martin Baker) 57
- CNHS Report for 2016; Grantchester Meadows (Jonathan Shanklin)
- How does your nature smell (Toby Carter) 68
- Vascular Plant Records (Alan Leslie) 70
- Bryophyte Records (M. Burton and C.D.Preston) 79
- Willughby and Ray a partnership revisited (C.D.Preston)
- A Natural History of Cambridgeshire an update (M.O. Hill)
- Weather notes from Cambridge University Botanic Garden 2016
(Pete Michna) 92