Cover Illustration: Adder's Tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum)
(Photograph: Henry Arnold) See article on page 76. |
Contents of Volume 58 (2016)
- Does Cambridgeshire have ancient woodland bryophytes? (C.D.
Preston and M .O. Hill ) 3
- Ancient Woodland Butterflies (Louise Bacon) 15
- Birds of Cambridgeshire's Ancient Woodlands (Louise Bacon) 20
- Woodland lichens (Mark Powell) 23
- Bulbous Meadow-grass in Cambridgeshire (A.C. Leslie) 25
- Early Meadow-grass in Cambridgeshire (C.J. Cadbury and A.C.
Leslie) 32
- Cambridgeshire 's disappearing arable flora (C.J.Cadbury) 35
- The Harvestmen of Cambridgeshire (Brian Eversham) 52
- Traditional Orchards (Val Perrin) 59
- Water Voles along Cherry Hinton Brook (Monica Frisch) 73
- Some Uncommon plants of Hayley Wood (Monica Frisch) 76
- CNHS Report for 2015; Coe Fen (Jonathan Shanklin) 80
- Chafers on my chimney (Toby Carter) 85
- Bibliography of Cambridgeshire 2010 - 2015 (Toby Carter) 86
- Vascular Plant Records (Alan Leslie) 89
- Bryophyte Records (M. Burton and C.D.Preston) 98
- Norman W. Moore 100
- Brian O.C. Gardiner 104
- ANNOUNCEMENT - A Natural History of Cambridgeshire (M.O. Hill)
- Weather notes from Cambridge University Botanic Garden 2015
(Sally Hughes) 110